IDS Solution for e-Factura

e-Factura is knocking at your door! Are you ready?
What you should know
At the end of July 2023, the Council of the EU granted Romania the derogation to adopt mandatory electronic invoicing, the decision being applicable for the period January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2026. Meanwhile, the Romanian Ministry of Finance has published a Draft Bill calling for the mandatory issuance and reporting of electronic invoices through the RO e-Factura (e-Invoice) system as of 2024, for transactions between companies established in Romania.
The scope of RO e-Factura solution is quite wide (B2B, B2G transactions as well as transactions made by non-residents), and the sanctions are significant.

How can we help you?
With more than 18 years of experience in regulatory reporting, IDS Consulting provides an E2E solution that supports Business Counterparts to comply with ANAF requirements for eFactura covering following functionalities:
- Interface with internal ERP / invoicing systems and read all needed information
- Generate & validate XML in line with ANAF requirements
- Offers the possibility to perform corrections either manually or via file upload or by reloading data from source after the correction was performed
- If required, application is supporting as well VAT & subtotals calculation
- Approval flow is available for any event in the application
- Send automatically the XML to ANAF and store the response in a dedicated location
- If errors were encountered than cycle can be restarted
- Basic notifications will be raised in case of error or completion of an event
- To offer a complete end-to-end solution, users can also retrieve invoices registered with ANAF by other companies and save them in a dedicated location
Key Features
- Integration with Internal ERP Systems
- XML Generation & Validation
- Error corrections via UI or File Upload
- Calculation of VAT and totals
- Automatic delivery to ANAF of XML files
- Retrieve invoices registered on ANAF by other companies
Compatibility with your internal systems and software
Align with regulatory organizations and stay away from unwanted fees
We cover the complete end-to-end RO e-Factura requirement, for your ease
Information on the expected cash flows, receipt of delivery of the invoice
No printing, shipping and paper archive costs; real-time notifications for errors and handing your financial invoices easier
Key Technical Details
The application is designed to be compatible with a wide range of databases, being able to be easily implemented on any modern RDBMS system.
Easy to scale
Application is developed in Java & Spring Boot and easily integrates with your database
Metadata Driven
Most functions of the application are metadata driven – changes in configuration can be made via SQL DML operations, without requiring changes in code.
Report configuration and integration with regulatory organizations can be highly automated
Security first
Auditing, logging, events monitoring available
Integration capabilities
Enhanced functionality by having APIs or file upload if preferred